Thursday, March 17, 2011

indian point

chernobyl was one of the largest disasters that ever was. people are still dying there all the time, and the levels of radiation that chernobyl residents are exposed to is very far above the normal, its somewhere in the lethal exposure. now in japan the country is in tremendous danger, plants are failing to fast. sea water is not cooling fast enough, and the scientists working to shut down the plants are being called "suicide mission workers" the levels of radiation are 10 times higher than the accepted maximum. a nuclear cloud is supposed to drift all the way across the ocean and hit california tomorrow. hawaii is on a tsunami watch. the nuclear plants in america are at risk.
in japan the evacuation zone is 25 miles wide from the plants. if anything were to happen at indian point- we are only about 20 miles away.
should we maybe consider shutting down indian point? and moving the plant to a deserted area- where there are no cities within at least 50 miles?
i just read on the drudgereport that texans are hoping the country will approve more texas plants. i think if they want the risk- fantastic let texas have the plant, and close indian point which is too close and too susceptible to danger.
i think the media should raise this question in ny, and allow citizens to educate themselves about the risk of a nuclear plant so close

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