Thursday, March 3, 2011


I was just reading an article on the WSJ website, about how food prices have risen 2.2% in February from January prices. the UN thinks it's a problem, they don't have a solution, but they think this is a problem. doesn't that seem the case with everything at the UN? what is it that they do? besides hold conferences, bash Israel, and get American money and troops invested in bad situations?
why do we need the UN again?
i think it's time the nations of the world realized that this organization is a crock.
do they really expect Muammar Gaddafi, a certifiable mad-man and murderer- to show up at the Hague on SUSPICIONS of war crimes?
i think its time nations of the world either got real and got rid of the UN, or the organization grew a back bone and actually did good.
i vote the former. an organization that is so blind that they elected M. Achmadinejad to their womens rights council is a bad organization.

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